What Do I Eat?
I eat what I know is good for my body. To be able to learn what to eat, what is good for my body, mind and soul wasn`t so easy at the beginning of course. It took so many years until i was actually able to follow a healthy diet. i am still not so strict about my diet as a Yogi. I always listen to what my body signals me it needs and I eat accordingly.
The Yoga Diet isn’t about losing weight or being skinny. Instead, the idea behind the diet is to create balance and strength in the body and also provide healing to the organs and the blood. Since The Yoga Diet is a vegan diet, it’s also a highly energizing diet and one that creates a calmer and peaceful mind. However i am not a Vegan, but i try to consume animal products as little as possible.
Unfortunately, in our modern society, our appetite has become completely disturbed and confused and all kinds of unhealthy eating habits have resulted. my students frequently ask me ` what should i eat? How? And When?
It is very simple ; Natural, Fresh, Organic, Easy to digest.
Food we find stimulating may contain caffeine, chillies, refined sugars etc. Although in appropriately small quantities these substances may have beneficial effects for producing certain results, when used in excess they have extremely negative consequences for our system.
Green Tea, Herbal Teas, Ginger, Hot Water with Lemon, Fruits for breakfast because it provides energy for the day ahead, and also because they assist in cleansing the body’s channels. Most Yogis avoid wheat because it can be inflammatory and eating wheat increases the potential for a surprising number of health problems.
It is impossible to give a general diet which will suit all individuals. Students will need to develop a sensitivity to what foods are beneficial and which ones harmful. A student who also has a job which involves a lot of physical work will need a more protein rich diet than one who’s work is sedentary. One who’s work requires great mental effort, or who is exposed to great stress may also require more food.
It is a general recommendation for yoga students that they follow a vegetarian diet, however, for those who have a long history of meat eating, changing to this way of eating overnight may not be possible or advisable. If you are a habitual red meat eater and are wishing to transition to a healthier way of eating, you may start by first substituting white meat or fish and gradually reducing the frequency of meat eating. Equally, if you eat white meat you may transition first to fish and so on.
Normally the process of digestion takes around 24hrs. However, meat may take days to diges. This will place an unduly heavy burden on the digestive system, diverting energy from other activities and ultimately leading to disease.
Last of all, as you start practicing yoga, you will notice that your eating desires slowly change. If you listen to your body, the transition will be healthy and happy.
Also, remember that the most important part of the yoga diet is to eat with gratitude and love. Take time to eat your meals in silence and outside in nature whenever you can. Learn to eat to nourish your body instead of just eat to satisfy your cravings.
Svasthi Praja Bhyaha Pari Pala Yantam
Nya Yena Margena Mahim Mahishaha
Go Brahmanebhyaha Shubamastu Nityam
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May the rulers of the earth keep to the path of virtue
For protecting the welfare of all generations.
May the religious, and all peoples be forever blessed,
May all beings everywhere be happy and free
Om peace, peace, perfect peace”